28. Conclusion


Congratulations! This lesson was a quick review of probability, so don't worry if you're feeling like some of those concepts still aren't 100% clear. If you feel like you could use some additional review, now would be a good time to explore some other resources.

Other Resources

  • Kalman and Bayesian Filters in Python - This is a fantastic resource. It's a GitHub repository containing a series of Jupyter notebooks which are meant to teach the intuition underlying Kalman Filters (something we'll discuss in lessons 3 and 4). But there are also some great notebooks covering more introductory topics like Gaussians and Multivariate Gaussians.

  • Udacity's Intro to Statistics Course, taught by Sebastian Thrun - Browse through these lessons for a slower-paced explanation of topics like probability, conditional probability, Bayes' Rule, probability distributions, correlation, estimation, averages, variance, and normal distributions.